I'm thinking of a flower that starts with an......E!
So good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first? The bad? That's what I thought.
So I think our computer has a virus. I know it sucks big time. Google searches will not always direct me to the website I want. We need to download a new version of Webroot, but I should wait till Dan gets home to figure that out.
Also, the guy who came to fix our heater (very nice guy) found the problem! He had the part he needed to! ...but, he found another problem. I guess some old piece that is obsolete now broke and he had to go run around trying to find it. He left about noon and still hasn't gotten back. Looks like another cold night for me. Go space heater go!
Now for the good new. So I missed the third delivery date for our XBox to be dropped off because I was in Danville, but they forgot to take it off the truck and dropped it off today! Yay. I didn't have to bus it down to the Mission and back. That was especially great since the electrician was here.
Since I didn't get to leave today I made some goodies. I roasted a bunch of garlic so that will constantly be on hand. I made blondies, which are like brownies without the chocolate, and cornbread. I need to bake more, so I did some today. The best part is they all turned out yummy.
On Tuesday, I rode my bike down to BART and then from Dublin BART rode to my Oma's house in Crow Canyon. What a great ride! The Iron Horse Trail starts at Dublin BART and took me straight there! It was so beautiful too! Butterflies everywhere, flying with me and just making the ride so great. I am guessing they were Northern Checkerspot Butterflies, but I'm no expert.

http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/map?x=12&y=108&_fc=1 Just click on the county you are interested in. Pretty fun to see. Anyway, the bike ride was awesome! It was so nice outside and it was great to ride on flat ground for once. I passed right by Cory's house and I am thinking that maybe next time we go over there to just ride our bikes. :) Just no drunk biking allowed! Don't want to hurt our bikes.
Tea was great fun. Oma took me out to lunch with both my parents and then we relaxed on the couch and just the two of us had tea time. She actually gave me her Edelweiss cup too! Oh my gosh it is so pretty. I didn't bring it home yet, because I didn't want it raddling around in my backpack, too precious. I also ended up spending the night so I could paint my mom's bathroom. I rode my bike from Oma's and actually beat my dad home! :) After I painted and wanted to head home I got to ride the IHT to Walnut Creek. Just as beautiful, but amazingly different. Besides the fact that this part of the trail is much more populated, it also was more like being in the mountains than in California's golden fields.

Gotta love those Poppies!!