Friday Stacy threw Dan a birthday party at Asia SF which was craziness! Let's see, John and I met up with everyone at Offbase. Stacy, Steve, John, James, Dan, Pha, and I all proceeded to Asia SF, which was amazingly entertaining. You should go! Here is just a glimpse of what we saw.
The lovely ladies of Asia SF got up on the bar and would dance to awesome songs.
They had a set menu which was delicious! They even accommodated the black sheep

So speaking of drinks, since it was Dan's birthday, he had to give our waitress head. Don't worry it's not as dirty as it sounds. :P She ended up having to help him out in the end, guess he really needed to suck harder. Oh the jokes we made that night....
And of course since Dan was a favorite he couldn't leave without getting a lovely goodbye photo.
After we dragged ourselves out of the place we hung out at a pub, and then went dancing with Stacy after everyone else left. I would go into more detail, but that was just Friday I still have to talk about Saturday and Sunday. But it was a lot of fun! Dan barely even made it to the bed. I had to de-shoe him and push him onto ONE side of the bed.
Soooo, Saturday was awesome too! Well, the second half. We woke up with massive hangovers, Dan's was worse... wonder why? Anyway, so during the day we just hung around the house and recuperated. That night we went and saw Yoshida Brothers at Yoshi's in the Filmore. Oh My God! They were sooooooo awesome live I wanted to go again Sunday.

They play the shamisen and make it sound absolutely amazing. They had a drummer play beats and sound effects, but there was no singing or anything. Definitely check them out, because they are really different. Dan and I were trying to figure out what genre they would fall under. I think we chose traditional japanese rock. Haha. Yoshi's is a pretty cool place too. Dan got a chicken burger which he really liked and I got a roll of sushi. It was really good and we were able to eat during the show. It normally would seem to late to eat, but we had had a late lunch. It was a little pricey, but totally worth it for our first time there. Next time we should stick to cocktails or just a nice cold beer.
So on to Sunday!
We woke up and right away got out on our bikes and rode down to Golden Gate Park to watch some Bay to Breakers action. The name shows exactly what it is, a walking marathon from the bay to the ocean, but really it has become much more. It is basically another reason from San Franciscans to dress up (or down) and get drunk in the morning and hang out in the park. It was perfect weather for our ride. Once we got in the park we had to get off our bikes because it was sooo crowded. We eventually moved out of the crowd and rode down to the beach, sat and watched the waves for a bit. It was wonderful to get some sun. The best part was that they had closed the Great Highway for B2B so we were able to ride down and back up it without any traffic.. oh wait, well foot traffic and an ambulance... so mostly no traffic. It was a beautiful ride, but it also showed me that I need to get out on my bike more! Whoo. Well, now we have the perfect weather, so I will finally force Dan and me to go on our Sunday rides. We will go over the Golden Gate Bridge!! We will!!
After we made it home it was chore time. We finally got around to washing our carpet and we now have super soft carpet! :) Then David came over and brought us some fun movies. We got to watch Crank 2 which, oh my god, was absolutely amazingly funny! It was so rediculous, just like the first one. I laughed the entire time. We barely watched Max Payne afterward, how could anything be as entertaining after Crank? And of course we ended the night with Dan asleep on the couch and David and me watching Trigun.

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