Ahh, what a world. I'm reading Son of a Witch, so of course I have to give a shout out to Elphaba!So, blogging hasn't turned out to be a strong suit of mine, but hey I'm trying. Life has been crazy recently.
I didn't even work for Hollywood Video for six months before I got laid off, but I don't feel that bad seeing that the store closed a week later. I just miss most of the people I worked with. I made some cool friends, but now that I moved to the east bay seeing them is going to be a rare treat. That was an interesting experience to say the least. When I got hired it was an awesome place to work. My co-workers and higher-ups were really awesome, well they still are of course. When we got our new manager though, it got ugly. Yuck. Don't even want to think about him. Worst manager ever. "Hey do this, do that. I'm just going to follow you around and talk about myself. Blah blah blah. Oh, you're trying to read? Blah blah blah" Haha. I was afraid to read ever because I knew as soon as I picked up my book he would start talking to me because I wasn't busy. Awful. And then for about a month, maybe two, I wasn't sure if I would have a job by the end of the week. Not to say that getting 10 hours a week is much of a job. At least I threw my "Goodbye San Francisco" party and got to have everyone over.
Ya so, I don't live in SF anymore. Crazy! After being there for 5 years, and loving it, mostly.. I don't actually miss it much. Maybe because I have been so busy. But the place we live in now is really nice and we don't have any adjacent walls with neighbors. We also have a WORKING dishwasher and a garbage disposal which I haven't had for what, four years? I guess what I miss most is SFSU. I frakking love that place. I want to go and visit. Just get a bagel and chill on a bench with a book. That would bring back some awesome memories. It's funny though because after taking German with Dan this semester I remember how much I hate school, but I love the memory of it. Maybe being on the other side of the classroom would be more appealing.
Speaking of which, I need to get my butt in gear and take a class, or get a book, to prepare me for the CSET. It looks really hard. Maybe because I'm a Euro History major, I dunno. But you need to know world history (not so bad), American history/geography (I know a thing or two), the constitution (okay, not that hard to learn), government (hmm...) and econ. (oh dear!) All this split into 3 parts of a test. It's nice because you don't have to take them all at once, but it sucks because you really have to know your stuff. I looked over an example of questions, lets see... Here are some;
World History: Ancient Civilizations~ Describe and analyze the religious, social, economic, and political structures of the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, Kush, Greece, India, China, Rome, and pre-Columbian America, and describe and analyze their intellectual, ethical, scientific, and artistic accomplishments and values.
Medieval~ Analyze the political and religious transformations caused by the Reformation and their impact on Europe. (Easy!!)
Modern~ Analyze the origins, course, and consequences of World War II, including the human cost of the war (e.g., the Holocaust), the resulting redrawing of boundaries, and the movement of peoples in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. (The movement of people?)
Etc... And that is just world history. Anyone want to answer those questions? Those are just one of about 5 examples for each section. American history has these topics; Pre-Revolutionary Era and the War for Independence, The Development of the Constitution and the Early Republic, The Emergence of a New Nation, Civil War and Reconstruction, The “Gilded Age,” The U.S. as a World Power, The 1920s, The Great Depression and the New Deal, World War II, Post-World War II America, Post-World War II U.S. Foreign Policy, okay that's enough. I'm not going to finish the list. Ha. I also have to know Californian history, which is extensive. Not to say these topics are extremely hard, it's just a lot of details. I can easily answer most questions about America and Europe, a good amount about the Near East as well, but when you get into Africa and Asia.. It gets hard when you get to the next sections. Ah jeeze, I didn't mean to go on a rant about the CSET. Oh well, too late now. I guess the thing that bugs me the most is that two of my years in college were wasted on GE's which was mainly a repeat of what you are SUPPOSED to learn in high school. What is the point of going to high school if you have to spend a shitload (pardon my Französisch) of money to take the classes again? In Germany (of course) when you get to college you start out taking classes for your major.. from the beginning! Not your junior year. They take their "GE's" in their equivalent to high school. Rant, rant, bitch, bitch. I'm done!
I applied to Contra Costa County as a Librarian assistant. But knowing how the government works (I have to to pass the CSET so I would know!) I won't hear anything for at least another month. I applied at the end of November and online it still only says Application Received.. Oi But I am excited. It would be a very interesting learning experience and who knows maybe I would absolutely love it and become a librarian. Shoot, I don't wear glasses!
Yay! It's almost noon. Only 5 1/2 more hours of work! Go Saturday! Tonight we are decorating the Christmas tree! Tomorrow we brew 1348 *Black Death Stout* and next week I get to sleep in! Life isn't all stress. : )
<3 and sorry about the ranting. I guess that's what happens when you're bored and let your mind wander. Back to reading.. my pretty! *cackles*