Manning was responsible for hundreds of thousands of documents leaked to the news organization WikiLeaks, including the well-known “Collateral Murder” video, where a US helicopter shot down one Reuter’s journalist and two camera men, along with hitting a van who stopped to aid the wounded, injuring two children and killing the father. Eleven people were killed in total.
To put this leak into perspective, it was the largest leak in U.S. history. Larger than both Daniel Ellsberg’s disclosure of the Pentagon Papers and Snowden’s NSA leak. Ellsberg even claimed Manning’s leak was more significant by far than his own leak.
After spending over 11 months in solitary confinement and a total of three years in prison, Manning was eventually brought to trial. Before his court-martial began, he plead guilty to 10 lesser charges, bringing his approximate max sentencing to 20 years. He spoke for over an hour as to his reasoning for the leaks. Manning’s statement would have been confined to the closed courtroom had not journalist Alexa O’Brian quickly transcribed it to create a rough transcript.
When speaking about the Iraq and Afghanistan War Logs, Manning stated, “I believed that if the general public, especially the American public, had access to the information contained within… it could spark a domestic debate on the role of the military and our foreign policy in general as it related to Iraq and Afghanistan.” Luckily, due to the hard work of journalists we were able to get Manning’s reasoning in his own words, something the government may not have disclosed otherwise.
What is amazing about the case of Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is the inability for the few journalists committed to covering the case to do their jobs, the overall lack of serious coverage by corporate media, and the frightening usage of aiding the enemy as a charge.
Most of the press passes requested for trial coverage were denied and journalists had to leave the courtroom in order to tweet or email information about the case. There was no internet access in the press room and the government refused to release transcripts of the hearing.
Kevin Gosztola, one of the few journalists to cover the entire trial, spoke with Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, on July 30th and explained how impossible it was for journalists to cover the trial. He claimed the tensions between the press and military public affairs officers became more and more hostile by the time the verdict was read. He also discussed how the internet was suspiciously not working at all, phones were not allowed, the use of WiFi hot-spots was not allowed, and right before the verdict was to be read, journalists were told that if they left the courtroom to even use the restroom they may lose their privileges to re-enter.