So, I'm very excited about this post (it will be long!). I've been wanting to go to the Farm Sanctuary for quite a while and it just has never seemed to pan out. We had decided to try and go on the weekend after the Worldfest, but while we were there we heard Gene Baur speak. He's the co-founder and president of Farm Sanctuary. After his piece on veganism he mentioned that "Hug a Farm Animal" was coming up in their schedule of events. We decided to go right then and there. :) That meant that instead of going the following weekend like we planned, we waited an extra week to go. Torture!
The sanctuary here in Southern California is in Acton. Northeast of downtown and about an hour out. I wanted to take the roundabout way and go through Angeles National Forest, which added a half hour to our drive, but was totally worth it. Instead of the busy highway, we were able to enjoy some peace on a winding, mountain highway. Much better.

Our ride was quiet until we noticed there was a helicopter circling above the highway past a bend. We came across a motorcycle who had slid off his bike (I think) and apparently got pretty banged up. We didn't actually see what happened and the police were already there, but we were parked right in front of them as they got him on the stretcher. It was really interesting to watch them at work (looked really boring actually). The one really cool part was that they were lifting the guy out, so the helicopter landed on the highway at a bend. I got Dan to take some pictures of that part. I hope that guy is okay.

At this point I couldn't be more excited! I know the sanctuary up in Northern California is really big, this one was much smaller, but they still did a great job with the space available. Going to the one in Northern California is on my list of things to do. It's actually very close to Sierra Nevada Brewing in Chico. Thanksgiving weekend? *hint, hint*
Farm Sanctuary may not be what you're thinking. It's not Old McDonald's farm, but is in reality much closer to that than the 'real' farms of today. All the animals at the sanctuary were saved from factory farming. For instance, the cows they had there were supposed to be veal cows but were saved and brought to the sanctuary instead. I don't know the stories of all the animals there, but that much I do know. As Gene put it, these animals are the mascots of factory farming. They are there to give people the chance to meet these magnificent creatures. :)

Usually, they do Sunday tours with far less people. I think having a large group around them, talking, petting them, etc. is unnerving. I'd know, social anxiety is nothing new for me. But of course I couldn't resist getting in a little hello. I talked to a sheep that was enjoying a salt lick and didn't seem to mind the attention.

Anyway, they were also massive. I won't get all detailed like with the cows, but I think the volunteer said they should be about 2/3 the size if they were normal pigs. What amazed me about them was their hair. I had no idea that it was so coarse. It was more like petting a porcupine than anything else. Or maybe Dan's face a day after he shaved. Ha, sorry honey, but you're a bit piggish at times. :P

It was rather awkward since I had no idea how to do it. But once I did it was magical. They are so soft. I couldn't believe it. They were kept in their fenced off area for the event, but I heard one of the volunteers saying that on normal days they are able to wander around the courtyard which would be fun to see.

Kathy spoke mostly about her new book The Lean. Doesn't sound like a great book for a vegan to read, but maybe to give to friends/family who are interested in veganism. The whole premise of her book is instead of jumping into something so foreign and life changing, 'lean' toward your goal. This way you can slowly learn your way. I like the idea, but it's too late for me!! :]

Once our bellies were filled we hit the road home. Well, almost. I guess we hit the road to our second LA home. Like I said, we stopped at Golden Road.
On our way to the car I noticed a strange cloud and took some shots of it. I figured it had to be a fire based on the dark colouring of the bottom and the mushrooming at the top. I did some digging and discovered it was a fire, in fact it was the fire that was ravaging Los Angeles at the time. It's too bad that the sky in LA hasn't looked more beautiful to me than when there was a fire raging. :|
Going to Golden Road was great. By the time we got there it was still warm out and they recently opened a bar outside so we were able to enjoy the amazing weather. Very awesome.

I am also very excited because we are planning to adopt an animal. Basically we will be sponsoring an animal for a year, helping to feed and care for them. We then get the privilege of meeting them and having another excuse to go out to the sanctuary.
Let me know if you're interested in joining us next time we go! It is a great experience to meet these awesome animals, get out of the city, and cruise through the forest. We would love the company. Hell, we might even buy you a beer.
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